A lot of advertising agencies have a lot of people they don't need. A lot of advertising agencies don't have the one person they do need: Account Planners. I've been waiting for Planning to come of age. I still am. For some odd reason, advertising agencies don't seem to have found much use for Planners. Maybe this will help. Here are a few reasons all good advertising agencies need a Planner in the mix:
a. Creative is too focussed on their egos and awards to salve their egos to worry too much about the left-brained side of creative thinking.
b. Creative thinking is not all right-brained thinking.
c. Client servicing is too worried about billings to spend too much time on thinking about thinking.
d. Agencies are full of people who only think with the right and left side of the brain only.
e. Good advertising is not about the two extremes. It's about finding balance. A Planner is the person who should be assigned that role.
f. The absence of a Planner is what results in creative people getting their jollies only out of doing scam advertising and Client servicing getting their jollies only out of increasing billings.
g. Advertising is more fun when you do real advertising, well. A Planner is the person who can help agencies achieve that.
h. I have already spoken about why a Planner can help improve the quality of creative briefs.
i. A Planner is not on anybody's side. Advertising agencies need a person like that. They're filled with people who are experts at polarising opinion.
There are plenty more reasons I can think of why advertising agencies need Planners. Unfortunately, I'm not a Planner. Like most people in the advertising agency business, I have deadlines to meet. I don't have much time to think about such things or for that matter most things. And that's precisely why we need Planners.