Saturday, December 16, 2006

Stop start

Perhaps the only person who regularly visits these pages, my very patient girlfriend, asked me why I discontinued this blog? Here's your take on it.

The way I see it, everything you need to know to help you create good advertising is on the pages of this blog. Exercises to help you think more creatively. Ways to write more effectively. Links to regularly updated ad sights and tools to help you create. I didn't stop this blog. I just decided to stop adding my two bits to it.

This blog is not just about what I write here. It's also a gateway to some fabulous raw material for advertising that I have linked you to. At the end of the day, it's not what I put out, but what you put in that will help you create good advertising.

All you need to do now is practice the fundamentals I have tried to lay down for you here. Or, wait for my book.

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