Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A creative way to evaluate creative work

95% of my work has never seen light of day. For a long time, I thought the only word in the English dictionary was 'No'. Boy, am I happy for it. It has taught me how to be a good coach. So what if I'm not the best batsman in the world, I do know how to bring out the best in creative people. (I think.) And I put it all down to having worked for so many people who didn't know how to. Here's one aspect of how I try not to be like all those people. Here's an incomplete check-list on how to evaluate and help come up with good creative work. As always, when it comes to 'creative', there is no formula.

a. Start with a smile. Creative people hate to see a blank face.

b. Tell people what's right about it.

c. Continue by looking for more things that are right about it.

d. Don't tell people how you would have done.

e. Ask questions instead of coming up with answers.

f. Think of all the times your work has been rejected.

g. Go back to point 'f'.

h. Don't be flip about creative work. Creative work is hard work.

i. End with a smile. Creative people need all the encouragement they can get to go back to the drawing board.

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